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Old Will Knott
Has Fat Fingers!

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On a recent really large order, Old Will hit the "send" key, not just once, but two times. Well, we didn't notice Will's Fat Finger error until it was too late. Now our big old warehouse is stuffed to the rafters with WAY too many scales. Bad for us. WONDERFUL for you.

The number of items that we're overstocked on (36 as we start the sale) varies from just a couple too many, to over a hundred too many. As we get each item down to our normal stocking level, we'll remove them from this page and they'll go back to their normal price.

Take advantage of these outrageously low prices before the scales you want are gone!

We know you have a choice when you buy scales online. Just know that when you buy digital scales from Old Will, it's always a "Worry Free Deal".

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